Jasmin Terrace
at El Molino

245 South El Molino Ave
Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: (626) 578-0460
Ethan H
"A friend of mine was a resident at Jasmin Terrace. The staff was very friendly and accommodating when I would visit. One caregiver in particular (Anna-Maria) was extremely caring and always helpful to my friend. I recommend the facility to anyone who may be in need of a compassionate, genuine care team."
Janice E.
"I really like Jasmin Terrace. My 97 year-old mom has been a resident for two years and I am so grateful for this place. A Dementia/Alzheimer's diagnosis is a heartbreak. While researching the best place for my mother I stumbled upon Jasmin. Thank God I did. Family-owned and run, with a dedicated and consistent support staff. Some of the residents do at times become agitated. That is part of their illness. Instead of sedating them they try to find other measures to deal with this. Recently, my mother had become a "screamer." Rather than giving her more powerful psychotropic medication the visiting M.D., Dr. Moore,discovered she had a urinary infection. She was given antibiotics and is back to her "new" old self."
J Feinstein
"I am immensely grateful to the staff at Jasmin Terrace for the excellent care that my extremely demanding 92-year-old mother received. A weight went off my shoulders when Mom went to live there. She passed away recently, quietly and peacefully, after spending over a year there. Lori Lackey, the facility's assistant administrator, was wonderfully kind and understanding. Lori and Mom's therapist at Jasmin Terrace, Dr. Ralph Diner, helped Mom to understand why her house needed to be sold. In addition to the private therapy, while at Jasmin Terrace Mom had a wonderful physician (Dr. Moore) plus group therapy and physical therapy, all at that facility. There was excellent entertainment every night, and Mom enjoyed getting dressed up and going to those events."